7/11/2020 1 Comment On bewildermentI had a thought about the hope that can maybe be found in bewilderment. When things are bewilderingly worse than makes any sense, it is easy to despair, because how can you know what to do about a situation which is so much worse than any accounting can account for? But perhaps it is bewilderingly worse than it could be because all of the factors that ought to make it less worse than it is are simply not in play. It isn’t that those factors are not real, and it isn’t that they mean nothing, and it isn’t that you haven’t accounted for other factors, besides the ones you have accounted for, that make the situation you are faced with inevitable. It is just that some of the factors that you would have thought would have counted for more in making things better aren’t currently in play, but will come back into effect as other factors shift. Everything that ought to be making things better than they are will eventually make things better than they are.
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